Book revisions

Information and Organisation – The Essence of Excellence

     I have always believed that Accurate Information, its appropriate Organisation and Effective Application would undoubtedly lead to Achieving Excellence in any field.  This has been the underlying theme in the preparation of this “BANK OF INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYEES”.

     This is my humble effort to present, as lucidly as possible, the facilities and privileges enjoyed by Bank Employees through years of negotiations between the Trade Unions and the Bank Management.  Relevant information for this has been culled out from latest Bipartite Settlements where applicable e.g. in case of Leave Rules, LFC, Pension Regulations, Disciplinary Action etc.  Information on Loans and certain other facilities is obtained from latest Bank Circulars.  In both the cases, however, I have given reference to the relevant clause of the bipartite settlement or the Bank circulars as the case may be.  This I believe, would serve two purpose, one, it would give easy access to further information or clarification in a proper time-frame.  The latter is very important in a world of rapid and constant changes, where today’s information becomes outdated and irrelevant tomorrow.

     I sincerely thank Mr.H.K.Balachandra, who first inspired me to bring out a booklet on service conditions which later on blossomed as BANK OF INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYEES.   I also thank my friends and colleagues at Mysore, Udayagiri and Jayapura Branches for their encouragement and guidance.  I thank the Bank management for their kind permission to allow me to bring out this BANK OF INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYEES, on a No Profit No Loss basis.

     I also sincerely thank Digital Art Works for having brought out this Booklet in such an appealing way.

     I would profusely welcome constructive suggestions, for I sincerely believe that the best way to correct a fault is to first find it!

     For me, this has been a Labour of Love.  If it can help my colleagues to be better informed and better organized, that would be my greatest reward!

Place: Mysore                                                                                     (N.Varadarajan)
Date: 31.05.2003                                                                                 MYSORE BRANCH


Preface to Second Edition

     The response for the first edition has been very encouraging indeed!  This has prompted me to make some value additions to the book, by including information on the topics of interest like CCA on transfer, special leave for blood donation, trekking, voting; joining time, employment on compassion ate grounds, age of retirement, etc.

     I am very grateful to certain friends and colleagues who have made valuable suggestions for improvement of the book.  I have incorporated all such relevant suggestions.

     One pleasant surprise was my receiving request from certain State unions for printing and publishing this book in the names of their individual units.  The publishers have kindly acceded to such request and colleagues from such states will soon see this book in a slightly different “Avatar”.

     There is a persistent demand for incorporating latest changes whenever amendments are made to the rules and regulations.  Like the changes made in this second edition, appropriate changes will certainly be made in subsequent editions.

     Once again I look forward to your constructive suggestions for improvement in later editions.

Place: Mysore                                                                                     (N.Varadarajan)
Date : 31.08.2003                                                                                MYSORE BRANCH

Preface to Third Edition

     I am extremely happy that stocks of editions I and II are procured by our staff members throughout the country and I am now going in for the third edition with some more value additions to holiday home, deputation allowance, scheme for retiring employees, leave fare concession, clean OD facility, etc., which I feel are of much interest of one and all.  My sincere thanks to all those who have directly/indirectly helped me in this venture.

Mysore,                                                                                               (N.Varadarajan)
Dated 15th March 2004


 Preface to Fourth Edition

     If you are not updated, then you are outdated!  In this fast paced and fast changing world, yesterday’s knowledge becomes today’s ignorance.    With this philosophy in mind, I have decided to bring out the IV edition of this book, BANK OF INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYEES.  This edition not only includes additions and changes as per the latest VIII Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005, but also certain improvements, to present the information in a better way.

     After the Second World War, there was a famous saying, “WHAT THE GERMANS DO, THE AMERICANS ULTIMATELY DO BETTER AND THE JAPANESE CHEAPER”.  It is my desire to make this book not only better but also cheaper, so that the readership is much wider.  You will be happy to note that the present Edition is priced at only Rs.40/-.

     I gratefully acknowledge the overwhelming response to the earlier editions from all over India and sincerely hope that the present Edition will be welcomed in a similar way.  As always, your constructive suggestions are most welcome.

Mandya                                                                                               (N.Varadarajan)
Aug 01, 2005


Preface to Fifth Edition

     This FIFTH EDITION comes with latest updations from the 9th BIPARTITE SETTLMENT dated 27.04.2010.

                  To catch up with the latest available technology to reach my colleagues with speed, accuracy and easy accessibility, I am publishing this online as well.  You may kindly  access the website at  

                   I hope my effort in bringing out this book goes into the history of our Bank, as this could be the last edition, considering that I would be retiring from the services of the Bank by the time the 10th Bipartite Settlement concludes.  I will be watching the deliberations, proceedings and conclusion of the 10th Bipartite Settlement from the gallery of ex-employees.

                   I take this opportunity to salute my BANK and my COLLEAGUES for their unstinted support, encouragement and blessings showered on me in bringing this book.

My sincere thanks to our Dy.Zonal Manager Sri S.Palanivelu and my friends from IT department, Zonal office, Karnataka Zone who have rendered their helping hand in launching this website. I thank Mr.Aashith Gaurav, who has helped me in designing the website.

                   My heartfelt thanks to our beloved Dy.General Manager Sri Sampath for obliging me by inaugurating this website.

     I have cherished every second of phone calls that I received from my colleagues from all over India seeking and giving some clarification, guidance, etc. 

Place: Mysore                                                                                     (N.Varadarajan)
Date: 15.05.2010
