DEPLOYMENT OF STAFF: As per 8th Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005
i. A workman in the non-subordinate cadre is liable to be deployed anywhere within a ‘District’, irrespective of the distance involved.
ii. In cases necessitating deployment outside the District, the workman concerned may be deployed to any branch/office of the bank situated outside the District up to a distance not exceeding 100 Km. from his present place of posting.
iii. Bank may identify, based on the length of stay at the centre/branch/office, the number of workmen employees, to be redeployed from each centre/branch/office to meet its requirements.
iv. The period of deployment shall be 2 years in a difficult centre decided by the Bank in accordance with the Government guidelines and 3 years in other centres.
v. Repatriation to the original centre shall be after serving in the deployed centre for period as in (iv) above. In case it is not administratively possible for the Bank to repatriate the employee to his/her original centre after the above period, the employee may be required to give 3 centres of his/her choice so that he/she can be transferred to any one of the 3 centres.
vi. Female employees above the age of 55 and male employees above the age of 56 shall be exempt from redeployment. However, if the required and eligible number of employees are not available to be deployed in terms of the Settlement, the age norms as above may be suitably relaxed up to the age of 58 years so as to ensure that the required and eligible number of employees are deployed to the identified centres.
vii. Employees having mentally retarded/spastic children, certified as such by the attending Doctor, may be deployed only at centres where specialized treatment for such children and special facilities for their schooling are available.
viii. Employees affected by serious ailments requiring specialized treatment, as certified by the attending Doctor, will be deployed only at centres where medical facilities for treatment of such ailments are available.
ix. Redeployment of physically handicapped/challenged employees shall be in accordance with the extant Government guidelines.
x. A workman in the non-subordinate cadre so long as he/she services in the deployed centre shall draw a lump sum amount of Rs.400 (not raking for any other benefit) besides protection of emoluments drawn at the original centre. These shall cease on the employee’s repatriation to the original centre.
xi. The above lump sum amount is not payable in case of transfer made at the request of the employee.
xii. In North-Eastern states, banks may decide on the level and extent of deployment having regard to their requirements within the above norms.
xiii. The above provisions on deployment are without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 535 and 536 of the Sastry Award relating to transfer of workmen.
xiv. The above provisions on deployment shall be the minimum applicable to all the Banks which are parties to this Settlement. Parties agree that any existing bank level settlement on transfer or deployment whose provisions are restrictive and not up to the minimum provisions on deployment as mentioned above will be modified/ terminated as per procedure under the Industrial Disputes Act so as to give effect to the above mentioned provisions on deployment.
xv. Any Bank which is a party to this settlement and having bank level settlement on transfer or deployment may, however, modify and improve upon the above provisions to suit the needs of the Bank ensuring, however, that the norms relating to the geographical minimum area of deployment for repatriation as mentioned herein above are not relaxed or diluted in any manner.
xvi. In Banks which are parties to this Settlement where Bank level settlements/policies on transfer or deployment of workmen exist which provide for transferability of employees over a larger geographical area, such Bank level settlements on transfer or deployment shall remain operative.
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